Hey, I'm a gift!

Late to Subway

Do a little dance . . .

I did it. I ate according to WW guidelines every day for seven days in a row.

I'm on a hot streak! It will be interesting, at least to me, to see how many days I can keep the streak going . . .

It will likely be less and less interesting to you, dear reader, with every day that I manage to add . . .


Be sure and drop me a line to let me know when you've had enough.

I'll keep track of that too . . .

(Oh, and it would be nice if, in your comment/e-mail, you use a lot of ellipses . . . like I do . . . thank you . . .)

Just a New Skew

Because I have such mixed feelings about Em getting WLS, I have been doing what I always do when turning over something new -- I've been looking it up on the net. Currently, I'm reading through the archives of The Fat Diaries. Clearly, this is not "magic" surgery. And it isn't easy. So I'm definitely going to point Em toward it, so she can read about it for herself, even though I don't think she's contemplating the duodenal switch surgery. Wow.

But as I was reading along, the author mentioned having lost 25% of the weight she wants to lose -- and I realized that I had never stopped to figure out what percentage I'm at. I've figured out what percentage of my initial weight I've lost (and am keeping track of that in the sidebar), but never the percentage of what I want to lose.

New numbers! Yay! So I pulled up the calculator and using the top of the range for me with WW (131) and what the Scalegod said this morning (178.2) I have lost 42% of the 81.5 pounds I need to lose.


As any Douglas Adams fangeek can tell you, 42 is a Very Important Number.